A handful of high-end homes sold last year for more than $2 million, he said, but prices from $400,000 to $650,000 are more common.
The developer, she said, "is talking golf course and a limited number of high-end homes; that's better than 80 houses."
However, she too reported a strong demand for larger high-end homes.
Eventually this building will be demolished to make way for high-end homes.
Then when you do, it's so expensive, you have to build high-end homes on it.
They all handle high-end homes in a city where the low-end places go for a half-million dollars.
The market for high-end homes in the thick of downtown was entirely untested.
Figures on the extent of new high-end, single-family home construction are hard to come by.
But though prices are high, turnover of high-end homes in this old-line resort can be slow.
A number of high-end homes with views have sold for more than $1 million.