She carried a tray laden with hot, high-energy food.
Good high-energy foods include nuts, cheese, granola, candy and dried fruit or meat.
I'll have some high-energy food sent to your room.
After exercise, revive yourself with the one of these high-energy foods.
She took several packets of high-energy food and water from the food pack and set them aside.
Comanche children ate pemmican, but this was primarily a tasty, high-energy food reserved for war parties.
"They need high-energy foods, like a tub of butter, to put money in the bank."
Such children receive special high-energy food when they are discovered.
Henceforth, the owner decreed, it would be only the finest hotels for the team, with buffets of "nothing but the best possible high-energy food."
They, in turn, provided high-energy food to carnivorous and omnivorous animals.