You'll need a tough, high-gloss paint.
He recommends lightly sanding and washing the walls, then covering the woodwork with a high-gloss paint that picks up on the background shade of the old plaster.
The museum's only requirements were that they use reasonably natural decorative schemes and no high-gloss paint.
To brighten a room with one window, he used high-gloss paint on the ceiling.
The mirrors, high-gloss paint and carefully placed lighting throughout add to the feeling of spaciousness.
Front and rear brake calipers are finished in a high-gloss black paint, with the fronts incorporating the Audi "RS" logo.
Most of the equipment is metal, covered with high-gloss blue, yellow and red paint, and it was designed to provide no shelter for sleeping.
But in fact, said Ms. Burnham, many of the colors are culturally inappropriate and the materials, including the high-gloss paints, physically harmful to the buildings.
After Rockwell completed the illustration, he gave the horse to a friend, Edwin Eberman, an artist who refinished it with a high-gloss brown paint.
Light up your life with strategically placed mirrors and bright interior finishes (like high-gloss paint or the color yellow) to reflect what sunlight you have.