In his high-handed, impetuous fashion, he set all caution and discretion at defiance.
Not even he treated a superior officer in such a high-handed fashion.
I will merely say this, now: Mr. Fryer will strongly approve of my taking you in charge in this high-handed fashion.
This basic right has been denied to the people in a high-handed and cynical fashion.
'I'd be interested to learn who feels entitled to criticise me in such a high-handed fashion.'
Nan secretly thought Faith HAD done a awful thing, but she wasn't going to let Mary Vance run matters in this high-handed fashion.
T'Rehu took the title-name Vriha, "highest," and conducted her court in the old high-handed fashion, handing out life and death as it pleased her.
It was he who permitted me to be carted away from Newmarket in such a high-handed fashion.
Some speakers said the board and the college president, Harold Eickhoff, were acting in a high-handed fashion regardless of whether they were right or wrong.
What is the meaning of abandoning us in this high-handed fashion?