Faced with higher taxes, businesses and high-income individuals have the option to go elsewhere.
But now they have modified their game plan, trying instead to hold a wage increase hostage for tax breaks for high-income individuals.
These exemptions are phased out for very high-income individuals.
He has been a strong opponent of Republican efforts to reduce taxes for high-income individuals before balancing the budget and/or funding what he considers higher priorities.
This act created a 36 percent to 39.6 income tax for high-income individuals in the top 1.2% of wage earners.
When Republican leaders fail to challenge this claim, they implicitly endorse the assumption that high-income individuals currently bear the entire burden of high tax rates.
The lower tax rates should actually raise revenues - particularly from high-income individuals.
The most attractive piece of Kidder left is its network of retail brokers who sell securities mostly to high-income individuals.
On the revenue side, Mr. Wilson announced higher taxes for large companies and for high-income individuals.
That year, about 210,000 high-income individuals were audited, the data show.