The Malaysian proposal envisaged a high-level exchange of views by civilian and military officials on security issues.
The sanctions included delays in new World Bank loans, a freeze on most military cooperation, and a halt to most high-level exchanges.
Military cooperation remains on ice, but World Bank loans are gradually being resumed, and high-level exchanges are increasing.
Decided to work together to make thorough preparations for bilateral high-level exchanges in coming months.
They agreed that Britain and Syria would establish a high-level exchange of intelligence.
To this day, China and Italy participate in high-level political exchanges.
We can even point to the kind of men who went on such high-level exchanges (see p. 175).
Among those measures was a ban on high-level exchanges between the two nations.
This has resulted in high-level diplomatic exchanges to get these issues resolved.
Two features distinguish the planned festival from previous high-level exchanges.