It caters to high-level military personnel and civilians and prepares them for strategic leadership responsibilities.
A legal resident spy has opportunities to meet high-level personnel of the host country as part of his/her "official" business, whereas an illegal resident spy does not.
BUAA has become one of the China's important bases for scientific and technological innovation and quality education of high-level personnel.
"Only a complete ban on contributions by casinos and their high-level personnel will succeed in protecting this paramount state interest," he added.
And only executive or high-level administrative personnel can be routinely solicited.
According to the survey, 87 percent of the presidents named as their first objective "recruitment, promotion and retention" of high-level personnel.
"Andrews Air Force Base is too widely known for departure and arrival of aircraft carrying high-level personnel," said Laird.
Second, the nation needs a serious commitment to quality day care for all as well as to the high-level personnel required for such work.
Used primarily to transport high-level military personnel and secret technology.
Karlshagen also was the location of the housing development for high-level personnel and scientists working in the nearby laboratory.