The Margo Commission, set up by the South African government, but which included high-level international representation, investigated the incident and concluded that the accident was caused by pilot error.
In addition, he has developed several techniques to verify circuits by symbolic simulation, with levels of abstraction ranging from transistors to very high-level representations.
Since high-level representations of different individuals differ due to their prior experience, their initial learning patterns may differ.
A form contains components and controls, which are a high-level representation of standard GUI widgets; it's easier to manipulate the high-level wrappers than to deal with the underlying API.
A high-level representation of an image necessarily contains elements in a different domain from pixels.
You can't replace permits from the owners with high-level representations in the ministry.
The Administration should also avoid committing itself to high-level representation at the United Nations women's conference in Beijing this fall.
The military pressed for high-level representation on the panel, opening the door for Colonel Ochirov to become a deputy chairman of the committee.
In the early 1980s, Ireland defended its right to use the shamrock as its national symbol in a German trademark case, which included high-level representation from taoiseach Charles Haughey.
An early, high-level representation of the system can evolve seamlessly into the detailed specifications of the AUTOSAR language.