What high-level source would risk talking to Time about governmental corruption after this cave-in?
Instead all he got was nonsense, but from high-level sources.
Zhejiang University always takes initiative in catering for national and regional needs, and exerts itself to become an influential high-level source of innovation and a pool of talents.
As a high-level source, she was led by Markus Wolf personally.
One "high-level source" told the paper that "they ignored intelligence assessments which said Iraq was not a threat."
Interfax later quoted high-level Russian sources as saying the summit meeting would be unaffected by what they called Mr. Yeltsin's "irritation" over President Clinton's decision.
That's the word from Richard Maibaum, who - in terms of evaluating intelligence relating to 007 - must be considered an extremely high-level source.
A military source called the arrested suspects "terrorist elements" and another high-level military source said that the suspects belong to radical groups.
But they've obviously got some very high-level sources and they exploit them to the hilt.
Even after the Independent's uncritical puff for what it had learned from 'high-level sources', America's trial balloon was slow to take off.