"Games require agreements to work, and agreements require some high-level thinking."
They are taught to solve a problem or a need and, in doing so, develop high-level thinking skills, known as technical literacy.
Detente on the Rocks Later, Soviet officials with access to high-level thinking conceded that this was simply propaganda.
During the 1960s, symbolic approaches had achieved great success at simulating high-level thinking in small demonstration programs.
Moreover, the 008's proximity to high-level thinking would probably turn the Beardstown ladies green.
Our high-level thinking is that there'll be not as many [pieces of DLC], but they'll be bigger and more substantial," he said.
Concepts and equations for direct memory retrieval, and neural net aids for high-level thinking.
Shift knowledge workers into high-level thinking.
Indeed, he and his colleagues see this region of the brain as so crucial to high-level thinking that they boldly titled their report "A Neural Basis for General Intelligence."
In Earned Time, a student can work in an area of high interest, demonstrating high-level thinking and new learning.