"You're going back to a dictatorship after all the high-minded talk," Jacob said.
They meet every year, the eminent German professor and his old doctoral students, for a weekend of high-minded talk on a chosen topic.
For all the high-minded talk about shareholder rights, there is one right that has always been guaranteed them: the right to sell their stock.
For all the high-minded talk of the allegory and repose in the designs, commercial considerations will be large and perhaps the leading factors in determining what is built and when.
The U.S. must not be hoodwinked by high-minded talk, the thinking goes, but must resolutely test Mr. Gorbachev at every turn.
Of course, life on the Surprise is not all high-minded talk and principled action.
You know, Moore, for all your high-minded talk about respecting women's minds, admiring women's abilities, you still fall for the same thing every other man does.
Yet amid all the expectations and high-minded talk, the Dolphins (9-6) find themselves in an unenviable position.
For all of the high-minded talk about conservation, the reality is that the quota system is directly leading to an environmental disaster.
It's high-minded talk about blocking traffic.