Computer-chip companies, which were expected to come under selling pressure after Intel announced it would cut the prices of its high-performance processors by 14 percent to 18 percent, were mixed.
Originally intended for personal computers, PowerPC CPUs have since become popular as embedded and high-performance processors.
This is because performance/watt numbers are much higher for low-performance processors than they are for high-performance processors (GPUs excepted).
One characteristic of the Yu-6 torpedo is its high-performance processor; most western torpedoes are believed to use old, but known reliable, processors.
It was the first time that an inexpensive, off-the-shelf microprocessor had outpaced specialized high-performance processors.
The first will result in a very high-performance processor code-named TFP, designed for technical computing.
When it was designed, it was a high-performance pipelined processor with core memory.
By the late 1990s almost all high-performance processors (excluding typical embedded systems) run at higher speeds than their external buses, so the term "clock doubling" has lost much of its impact.
Workstations were characterized by high-performance processors and graphics displays, with large local disk storage, networking capability, and running under a multitasking operating system.
A high-performance processor controls the system and manages the various programs.