Yet in this day of synthetic imagery, couldn't a high-powered computer have rendered the unfathomable locale?
The central innovation is a "goods review list" of items that have dual military and civilian use, like high-powered computers.
Also sold were high-powered computers, worth close to $1 million each.
Compaq introduced a high-powered computer that is smaller and lighter than earlier models.
But the real significance of the demonstration is that for the first time high-powered personal computers are capable of keeping up with normal speech without.the.speaker.doing.this.
He had good books, terrariums full of healthy creepy-crawlers, and a high-powered computer on his desk.
Data General said it had adopted a new strategy of using industry-standard technology to make low-cost, high-powered computers.
I have to have a concert grand, a high-powered computer and a good wife.
Work stations, which are generally used by scientists and engineers, are high-powered personal computers.
Nobody can start a home business without a high-powered computer with a special programs to balance the checkbook, look at the calendar or find an address.