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They have a high-pressure zone over them and no hint of bad weather.
The weather reports indicated the high-pressure zone would stay over Isidis for another day at least.
It was still open, still generating a high-pressure zone around him.
This promotes air from warmer latitudes to flow into the area, causing a polar high-pressure zone.
Air from this high-pressure zone then rushes toward the low-pressure zone surrounding the sub-polar region.
Like other subtropical gyres, it has a high-pressure zone in its center.
Circulation around the center is clockwise around this high-pressure zone.
The yachts are slowing down as they approach Fremantle and the effect of the high-pressure zone becomes apparent.
The stagnant high-pressure zone has also acted like a barrier, preventing the normal flow of weather patterns from west to east across the country.
The storm that crouched over the South was being pushed out by a high-pressure zone from the Northwest.