Rothschild had no fewer than 10 high-priced attorneys.
He might have been in the waiting room of the office of some high-priced attorney.
Now you see what a high-priced attorney buys?
He stopped in front of the table where Specter was seated, surrounded by his high-priced attorneys.
But none of those outfits was going to do on a day when he had to show up somewhere looking like David Forster, high-priced attorney.
It doesn't look as if you could afford your bail money, let alone a high-priced attorney.
He is a man of modest means whose lawyer works pro bono, not a millionaire with high-priced attorneys.
His mother's already hired him a high-priced attorney, bringing some guy up from Los Angeles.
The plant's owner, a ruthless multibillion-dollar corporation, strikes back with everything its high-priced attorneys can devise, or worse.
With all due respect to Goldman and its high-priced attorneys, it wasn't a hostile media that upended this plan.