Most of the major savings in the fare restructuring were on last-minute purchases of high-priced tickets usually bought by business travelers.
If you are buying a high-priced ticket, and want to protect yourself, read the insurance policy yourself and be sure you understand it.
Fugazi set itself apart from most other bands by never playing a show with high-priced tickets.
The point is to make great music available to an audience that cannot afford a high-priced ticket.
Then why have theater owners and producers been so reluctant to sell a few high-priced tickets today?
It used to be that big commissions from high-priced tickets would help a travel agency offset the cost of processing cheaper fares.
Those pressures have produced a technological arms race in the fight to secure business travelers, whose high-priced tickets carry much of the industry's freight.
The festival promoters have found that high-priced tickets did not sell as well as had been expected, with audiences tending to buy the middle-priced ones.
The low-cost airlines are able to woo passengers, especially business travelers unwilling to pay for high-priced tickets.
Those lower fares indicate slack demand for high-priced tickets, as well as increasing competition from low-cost airlines.