In a rapid-fire burst of activity, I sidestep several perimeter security checks, then build myself a shell giving me the appearance of a high-priority incoming message.
Just weeks ago, Starfleet security had been so compromised that high-priority messages and orders had had to be delivered in person.
Priority Injection timeslots may be available, which can reduce the length of time a unit has to wait before it is able to transmit high-priority messages.
AS data from the defense shield poured in, identifying the doomed ship, Mother Superior Harishka composed a high-priority message to be sent to Junction.
This is a high-priority message for the C in C. Please note code name: Princess.
Customers will pay a premium to use streaming applications or send high-priority messages.
ĘFloating up first came a high-priority message from his mother.
Five high-priority messages to that effect were sent to the Liberty, but none arrived for more than 13 hours.
This lets me work through my mail right away in one fell swoop and then read the high-priority messages afterward by rotating through them with ctrl+tab.
Ms. Horn, whose Echo service has a command called "Yo" that lets a user send high-priority messages, maintains that men's manners on line are different from women's.