Furthermore, they garnered mainstream attention in a year of several high-profile controversies with R&B and hip hop artists such as Michael Jackson and Snoop Dogg.
D. (1676-1732) was an English jurist, expelled from the University of Oxford in a high-profile controversy.
Despite the historical meekness of the presidency, however, it has been at the centre of some high-profile controversies.
He did not linger over the high-profile controversies at the top of the agenda, such as banking deregulation.
SGE was involved in two high-profile controversies.
During this time, the magazine produced some groundbreaking journalism but courted several high-profile controversies.
This business model and some of the company's advertising tactics have resulted in high-profile controversies.
He engaged during the 1960s in a high-profile controversy, speaking out against the Catholic Church's teachings on contraception.
Then, too, we examined the vortex around him and then left him to his strange life of John Bull intensity, macho defending and high-profile controversies.
Similar proposals have been floated in the past, usually after a high-profile controversy involving a particular drug.