Since September 11, 2001, a number of high-profile incidents and security scares have occurred in Washington.
While the majority of incidents are not this extreme, high-profile incidents dominate the news.
The venues closed in early 2002 after a number of high-profile incidents in addition to complaints from the local residents about noise.
In two high-profile incidents this season, Edwards went to great pains to defend his players.
Her death was one of several high-profile incidents of women murdered after leaving a nightclub.
We look at other high-profile incidents and examine how they affected safety regulations at sea.
Over the last few years, tension between the races has seldom bubbled into a high-profile criminal incident.
But such high-profile incidents are more the exception for Cali.
How many high-profile incidents does it require to recognize and address the mental illness stigma that prevents early treatment?
Hernández has been involved in a number of high-profile incidents with players and even fans.