Emanuel Jaques - Victim of a high-profile murder in Toronto.
A fracas starts when competing divisions all want to investigate the previous high-profile unsolved murders in the area.
He had been arrested as part of a police sweep of indigent people that was carried out following a high-profile murder.
The result of the murder was further strife within the organisation and several high-profile murders, including that of Protogetov himself.
The crime quickly became one of the most high-profile racially motivated murders in modern Britain.
Waltz in here and take over a high-profile murder so you can get your face splashed all over the screen again?
Although Chappaqua's crime rate is far below the national average, the area has had several high-profile murders.
They've successfully committed three high-profile murders and haven't left us squat to work with.
Ryan is a career prosecutor, one of three in the DA's office who try the high-profile murders in this county.
Fox took office vowing to clear up several high-profile murders.