Numerous high-profile names in the world of hip-hop closed the show out with a freestyle rap session.
The case also proved a cautionary tale about the extravagant lengths to which a publisher will go to lure a high-profile name.
Hard as it is to believe, Casey is the second high-profile name to miss the start of the 2012 season.
Hamas is prepared to swap Shalit for around 1,000 prisoners including some high-profile names.
No wonder the restaurant's reservation book is filled with so many high-profile names.
But all of the One Share companies are high-profile names that tap into people's sense of nostalgia and their affinity for certain products.
"We wanted to give them the same access to the public usually reserved for high-profile names in the art world."
If anything, Tilghman should have passed on the question - she's done this countless times before with high-profile names - and let sleeping dogs lie.
"They want a lot of high-profile names."
Indeed, their proliferation has stolen some thunder from more high-profile names, Ms. Seidman said.