Réti's compositions have not remained in the repertoire, but he was an active composer and received a number of high-profile performances.
The bank has always maintained its commitment to art, music and culture, with an active and constant presence at high-profile performances and exhibitions.
The orchestra (60 members at present) is famous in and around Amsterdam and conducts several high-profile performances throughout the year.
Her high-profile performance at the United Nations made her President Reagan's favorite envoy.
The single was released in the wake of the band's high-profile performance at Woodstock, which greatly expanded their fanbase.
One of their most high-profile performances was opening for his brother Tommy's band Bash & Pop in 1993.
After two releases and a smattering of high-profile live performances Intra-Venus broke up in 2003.
Though now obscure, it had some measure of popularity in the 1930s and 40s, marked by a number of high-profile performances.
For high-profile performances, it is open to the public.
At a time when high-profile performances are routinely canceled because of unspecified and dubious "illness," the honesty is perhaps refreshing.