Yet, Mr. Starr could call a high-profile witness any time.
Ms. Rice was one of two high-profile witnesses appearing before the commission on Thursday, but the only one to testify in public.
Other high-profile witnesses spoke up for her, saying her plea could be an important step in the healing process and the overall Balkans reconciliation effort.
As chief counsel, Ferdinand Pecora personally examined many high-profile witnesses, who included some of the nation's most influential bankers and stockbrokers.
And, with public interest in the hearings flagging, the Republicans may need to produce a high-profile witness, like Mr. Huang, as a star attraction to keep attention focused on their allegations.
Among the 280 witnesses who have already testified at the trial, there have been many high-profile witnesses and many senior military officers from other nations.
Mr. Thompson also announced today that the hearings in the next few weeks would include high-profile witnesses.
David Sherborne, counsel for Anne Diamond and a number of other high-profile witnesses, questions MacKenzie's evidence about what Diamond told the inquiry.
To a lesser extent the HRT may deploy teams or individual operators to act as snipers or to provide protective service details for certain high-profile federal witnesses or dignitaries.
Throughout the two-year period, the trial was being closely followed by the public of the involved former Yugoslav republics as it covered various notable events from the war and included several high-profile witnesses.