The last thing the Republican Party needs is this high-profile woman parading around Congress saying: 'Look!
And for the fund-raiser, which an aide said would net $200,000 or more, she is turning to some high-profile women.
That world of the very high-profile woman, who's totally polished, it's fake and phony.
Even some of the richest, most high-profile women can find the financial carpet pulled out from under them.
Publisher and columnist Tina Brown has an interesting take on why many high-profile women tend to be perfectionists.
Another high-profile woman caught under the harsh light of public scrutiny-and another class action defense!
She was one of the few high-profile women in Oklahoma, seen constantly at her husband's side at every fund-raiser and social event imaginable.
Today, several high-profile Colombian women are also providing role models to a new generation of Colombian girls.
Then there is the Committee of 200, an organization of high-profile professional women.
Prince Albert, meanwhile, has been linked to a long list of high-profile women known for appearing on the arms of middle-aged bachelors.