Cows eat weeds and turn them into high-quality proteins and fats.
As a source of high-quality, low-fat protein, that price is hard to beat.
One egg has only 75 calories but packs 7 grams of high-quality protein, along with other vital nutrients.
Good nutrition - including high-quality proteins and fats - is important to proper brain function.
"If someone is severely protein-deficient, high-quality protein might make a difference," she said, but the average person gets plenty of protein.
In combating the myth that meat is the only way to get high-quality protein, I reinforced another myth.
Here we are looking specifically at high-quality protein which is to be fed to non-vegetarian animals.
We should land these so-called 'discards' and give the fish to those who need it but cannot afford high-quality protein.
A healthy meal should include high-quality proteins, such as fish, eggs or chicken.
It's always the recommendation that patients eat lean, high-quality protein.