The County also enjoys a reputation for high-quality services, particularly its educational system.
It's clear, though, that the day when competition alone can guarantee high-quality service at a fair price has not arrived.
"Provide the kind of high-quality services we would be happy to use ourselves and offer to our own families"
"Once you get their attention, the key is to offer a high-quality service to retain the customers."
We face growing expectations of more ambitious and high-quality public services, however.
I remain a strong advocate for the provision of a high-quality European public service.
People want sufficient high-quality public services at a reasonable price.
It is known that independent professions provide high-quality services which are in the public interest.
Therefore, we must ensure that high-quality services at competitive prices are available throughout the Community.
Common services for all the people also guarantee that everyone, rich or poor, gets high-quality service.