"She's the only other high-ranking female in this organization."
Like her mother, she became a high-ranking female within the community.
Melissa (ca.1950-1986) was a high-ranking female and mother of long-term alpha male Goblin.
In the Kasakela community, Flo was a high-ranking female.
Fifi inherited her status from birth because her mother was a high-ranking female.
Fifi became the alpha female in the community and her daughter Fanni also became a high-ranking female.
One theory suggests this occurs due to stress on the high-ranking females, although it is controversial.
Consequently, high-ranking females give birth to a higher proportion of males than those who are low-ranking.
Also, female baboons benefit from increased rank because high-ranking females produce more surviving offspring.
The first is that high-ranking males mate with high-ranking females.