"I remember being told that because they had to take all these high-risk clients, that's why they were losing money," Mr. Feldman continued.
They can no longer afford to lend good money after bad, and in many cases are seeking immediate payments of outstanding loans from high-risk clients.
Public insurance plans have far less bureaucracy because they don't try to screen out high-risk clients or charge them higher fees.
In the end, Empire prevailed, winning changes that now require for-profit health insurers to accept high-risk clients if they want to handle certain kinds of underwriting.
He added that in many states commercial insurers skimmed off young healthy customers, leaving Blue Cross and Blue Shield with high-risk clients.
Stone has former Mossad and Secret Service agents on tap- people experienced with high-risk clients.
The reason is that single-payer systems don't devote large resources to screening out high-risk clients or charging them higher fees.
Many of these workers put in long hours to serve the city's most severely disadvantaged and high-risk clients.
Toll agreed that the mortgage industry needed to tighten up its lending practices and stop pushing interest-only loans to high-risk clients.
And charging higher insurance premiums to high-risk clients is simply common sense.