Eventually 500 people in high-risk jobs in our company will be tested.
Granted, some of the assignments weren't that dangerous, but it was a high-risk job at best.
But for the old, the sick or those in high-risk jobs, they have charged higher rates or even denied coverage altogether.
It is a high-risk job that requires very skilled pilots.
It wasn't high style, but farmers and others in high-risk jobs wore bantar cloth at half the price of a tractor.
For example, singers, preachers, and teachers have high-risk jobs.
By then, he knew all about high-risk jobs in the big leagues.
Second, because they're doing a high-risk job, we must pay interpreters adequately.
The security field does not want high-risk, police-authority jobs dealing with street crimes.
Discover how limited-term trusts can protect individuals in high-risk jobs.