America was getting back about a fifth of what it was paying out to Germany in high-risk loans.
It also had $355 million of high-risk loans for construction or mortgages on commercial real estate projects.
In 2004, these rules were dropped and high-risk loans were again counted toward affordable housing goals.
These changes allowed S&Ls to make high-risk loans to developers.
In the early 1980s the bank expanded its activities outside the bullion business and started making high-risk loans.
"He essentially worked as a bank," reported a friend, making comparatively high-risk loans to projects pending permit approval.
When fears spread over high-risk loans, Cadbury's banks reduced the amount they were prepared to stump up.
He vowed not to make high-profit, high-risk loans just for the sake of keeping profits rising.
Thus, a high-risk loan would mean a higher capital commitment and consequently higher interest rates.
The second issue is to create appropriate conditions for banking operations and encourage banks to grant high-risk loans, because innovation involves risk.