MRIs offer great detail, but they're expensive and usually used for high-risk women.
They recommend scans and mammograms once a year starting at age 30 for high-risk women.
Abnormal results or high-risk women may need earlier screening or additional tests.
In high-risk women, the risks and potential benefits of taking it for prevention should be considered.
The study included 507 high-risk women at 19 medical centers.
Another drug, raloxifene, has been approved for high-risk women who are beyond menopause.
The finding came from a study that compared the two drugs in 20,000 high-risk women.
Over all, in a group of 214 high-risk women, 38 breast cancer cases would have been expected.
I think that to date only a minority of high-risk women are interested in this procedure.
She told me there were programs for high-risk women.