Modano, a talented and high-scoring center, left the game in the third period with what the Stars say was a wrist injury.
Among the game's oddities were the three minor penalties called against Pat LaFontaine, the Islanders' gentlemanly and high-scoring center.
The Rockets and Knicks tried to prevent the overtime with their high-scoring centers getting the ball but each blocked the other's shots.
Phoenix may have to do it without the high-scoring center Jeremy Roenick, who injured his left knee in the second period.
The discussions ended yesterday with the high-scoring center receiving a substantially upgraded and retroactive contract for this season and the possibility of a long-term contract.
Lovellette fostered the trend of tall, physical and high-scoring centers.
Nicholls, the Rangers' high-profile, high-scoring center, looked across the ice into the lens, smiled, and winked.
The high-scoring center has been riding the stationary bicycle since having the cast removed from his foot two weeks ago.
At 6 feet 4 1/2 inches and 228 pounds, Lindros is a high-scoring center with a mean streak.
One parent, obviously impressed by this high-scoring center, remarked, "I don't know what I expected, but look, when he takes off his helmet, he's just a kid."