They screamed and dropped out of sight, for that had been a high-speed collision.
There have been eight known high-speed collisions in all, most of which were only noticed well after the fact.
Later that year, Cavagnoud was involved in a high-speed collision while training and died two days later.
"Sooner or later, it would itself be broken up in a high-speed collision with an even smaller asteroid."
In 2012, The monorail was closed for approximately 2 weeks following a high-speed collision with one train returning to the car park full of guests.
Alcohol was involved in a frightening number of accidents involving high-speed collisions.
It looked like the results of a high-speed collision between a Christmas ornament and a prickly pear.
This can be done in multiple ways: a high-speed collision, or using one of the three power-ups.
If hit in a high-speed collision or caught using the magnet the criminal is transferred directly to the bounty hunter.
Cars 3454 and 3478 had been involved in a high-speed, rear-end collision.