The popularity should increase this winter because Crystal is replacing a chairlift to the top with a new high-speed lift.
People will use high-speed lifts to shuttle between tiers, and slower ones to reach individual floors.
Last year, however, a high-speed lift like those at Vail replaced the first two lifts, cutting the ride to the top to about 30 minutes.
When he stepped out of the high-speed lift, his eyes widened.
This was a high-speed lift that they were passing.
It will include a six person high-speed lift and a fixed-grip chair to access most of the new terrain.
In addition to a lift between the 99-bay basement car park and the lobby, the tower has nine high-speed lifts, divided into two zones.
But the high-speed lifts can be more than twice as expensive.
It has the deepest lift shaft on the Underground at 181 feet which houses high-speed lifts.
The high-speed lifts are the most expensive example of that trend.