Early in the program it was realized that existing radar systems based on the conical scanning method did not supply the performance needed for a high-speed missile.
The Patriot initially was developed to shoot down enemy aircraft, not high-speed missiles.
New high-speed offensive missiles could be created, they say, that quickly release their warheads to foil kinetic weapons.
The second group were high-speed missiles, typically supersonic, that flew directly towards their targets from below.
As a high-speed ballistic missile and pre-mission fueling capability, the Shahab-3 has an extremely short launch/impact time ratio.
The theory is that a fairly small launcher is set up, capable of delivering a series of very high-speed missiles.
A pulsating temporary cavity is also formed by a high-speed missile and can have a diameter thirty times greater than that of the missile.
The withdrawal of rollerons suggests that the missile has a digital autopilot system that is necessary for high-speed missiles.
Each one, once thrown, causes the backside of the bombs to fire up and rocket towards his opponent like high-speed missiles, which then explode on impact.
Once all camels on a level had been killed, the player had to survive a "hyperspace" sequence which required avoiding high-speed missiles.