It was here that he started working with tunnel diodes, which showed great promise as a high-speed technology.
Because of modern high-speed technology, short-term investing means the next minute and long-term investing may mean this afternoon.
The high-speed wireless technology needed for such transactions has been slow to reach the market, mainly because it is so expensive.
Future generations of Wi-Fi and similar high-speed wireless technologies will probably move up to 5 gigahertz, which could ease some of the crowding.
James L. English, president of the Playboy Entertainment Group, and a participant at the conference, said he was agnostic as to which high-speed technology would prevail.
During the latter half of 2003, there was a 24 percent increase in the adoption of D.S.L., a high-speed technology provided by telephone companies.
Sprint has also been the most aggressive in installing new high-speed technologies.
Symyx offers high-speed combinatorial technologies for the discovery of new materials.
In a telephone interview last Wednesday, excerpted below, he spoke about the implications of high-speed technology.
The company's research and development is located in Redding, California, who research advanced and high-speed technologies for their future products.