It was the amazing high-speed vehicle that had carried away the looted gold shipment from the limited!
It's all part of a craze for driving high-speed all-terrain vehicles.
Supercavitation and aerospace technology in the development of high-speed underwater vehicles.
It had pendulum seats, not unlike any high-speed vehicle, but semi-reclining and heavily padded.
In land speed racing, it is a term applied to the long, slender, custom built, high-speed vehicles with enclosed wheels.
Insurgents melted away whenever the brigade's high-speed vehicles approached, he said.
The mission includes two bosses and a chase scene in which the player must control a high-speed vehicle through the skies of a city.
The high-speed vehicle had surpassed specifications, and the accident beyond the finish line was accepted as a matter of malicious interference.
The high-speed vehicle was reduced to roles in sport and regal parades.
A high-speed vehicle that hits a curb may actually turn towards the sidewalk, rather than be directed away from it.