Cheap wood based paper also meant that keeping personal diaries or writing letters became possible and so, by 1850, the clerk, or writer, ceased to be a high-status job.
Breaking any of these rules could lead to loss of a high-status job, weekend leaves or even expulsion from the program.
As a result, recruiters for these high-status jobs are predominantly white males, and tend to hire similar people in their networks.
They see doing well in school and getting a high-status job as selling out.
They concluded that there were a number of rather different sorts of town and city in Britain with dramatically varying levels of high-status jobs, social-welfare and educational provision.
Han had quit a profitable and high-status job at Burson-Marsteller, a global public relations and communications firm, and jumped into what she liked most.
You're seeing this now," she said, "because the way that careers are structured, women in high-status jobs can't reduce it, so they have to quit cold turkey.
Young Greeks have low participation in the work force and continue to study at University until they can find high-status jobs.
In practice, it was sociologically unimportant that the low-status occupations provided greater economic support to society than did the high-status jobs of soldier, hunter, etc.
Those who fell on the black side of the law often lost the rights to vote, to hold high-status jobs, and to defend their persons and property in the courts.