They sold lumber, horses, wheat, beef and onions to the Indies, and they furnished their houses with fine, custom-made high-style furniture.
He provided high-style Baroque furniture for the court of William and Mary, specializing in carved, gessoed and gilded furniture of the highest quality.
A year and a half ago, high-style furniture favored by fledgling Internet companies was flying out the door of Ducky's huge warehouse here, near an entrance to the Interstate.
As demand increased, chair producers became more adventurous, and even the makers of formal, high-style furniture, including Francis Trumble of Philadelphia, were producing Windsor chairs.
Next Thursday, Christie's New York has scheduled a sale of 246 lots of mostly 18th-century high-style French furniture and works of art from the Segoura Gallery in Paris.
It is in great condition, has an old and possibly original finish and is the very definition of high-style furniture.
August 1997 - Aware of the intense competition in the field of high-style inexpensive furniture, Rowan and Mandelbaum feel that a low price is key.
Philadelphia was the pre-eminent colonial city and boasted the most ostentatious high-style furniture, decorated with deep foliate carving.
A showcase of high-style furniture and objects, the store drew crowds and spawned branches on Madison Avenue and East 57th Street.
More stylish still was the company's line of faux ebony furniture in the Anglo-Japanese style, arguably the most streamlined, high-style furniture manufactured in America until the rise of Art Deco.