He says that doctors have been socialized to view patients who are poor, or black, or both, as inappropriate candidates for certain high-tech procedures.
However, infertility treatment with infertility drugs and high-tech procedures gives many women the chance to have a baby.
They welcome physicians who have the ability to do surgical and other high-tech procedures.
Fourth, a lot of high-tech procedures are used as defensive medicine.
Of course, high-tech procedures save lives, but mostly they don't actually cure diseases.
Americans think access to high-tech procedures and expensive specialists translates into better outcomes, but the opposite is true.
Second, they only come for very expensive, high-tech procedures.
"We do twice as many high-tech procedures as many other countries but the results aren't any different."
In Britain, the midwives tend to view childbirth as a natural experience and not as a high-tech medical procedure.
Beware, too, if you are among the fortunate few whose health insurance actually covers some of these high-tech medical procedures.