Many high-tech workers are also concerned about job security.
A. Unions usually take a different approach when it comes to high-tech workers.
When unions negotiate contracts for high-tech workers, they usually set just a floor, and most of the room is from there on up.
But in the case of high-tech workers, it's so obvious that they are the key to the future.
Massachusetts has a training program for high-tech workers displaced in the huge job cuts of the last three years.
A surge is also expected in the number of high-tech workers.
My company of 4,000 employees has openings for 400 skilled high-tech workers.
This in turn led to more high-tech workers moving there.
No wonder some high-tech workers are starting to avoid China, because they don't want to live in a dirty cloud.
Furthermore, high-tech workers are among the best compensated in the country.