The particles that make up the rings might be the remnants of a moon that was broken up by either a high-velocity impact or torn up by tidal effects.
This usually accompanies high-velocity impacts that occurs during motor vehicle or bicycle accidents.
Death was brought about by massive trauma to the brain by the high-velocity impact of a mass of lead pellets (nu shot).
Sometimes in the chaotic mayhem of high-velocity impacts, shards of the diamond or ice could be kicked out ahead.
Twice now in the fragment's life, it had survived a high-velocity impact.
Particles that make up the rings may be remnants of a moon that was broken by a high-velocity impact or torn up by gravitational effects.
The main and halo rings consist of dust ejected from the moons Metis, Adrastea and other unobserved parent bodies as the result of high-velocity impacts.
Moreover, the high-velocity impact in the largely liquid human body causes violent hydrostatic shock - in ordinary language, "splash."
"It is not just a bigger high-velocity kinetic impact," stated the practical fast(arm).
Scientists determined the structure was caused by an asteroid through clues such as the presence of maskelynite, a glass that is only formed by extremely high-velocity impacts.