High electrical resistance, making it safe to use near high-voltage equipment or between areas with different earth potentials.
Electrical treeing often occurs in high-voltage equipment prior to causing complete breakdown.
For a given power level, a higher voltage allows for a lower current and usually better efficiency at the greater cost for high-voltage equipment.
Arc flash is one of the reasons it is so important to turn the power off before working on any high-voltage equipment.
Electrical treeing or "Lichtenberg figures" also occur in high-voltage equipment just before breakdown.
The control tower at Bradley had been abandoned by controllers a few hours earlier because the windows were leaking water into high-voltage equipment.
Lower-voltage plants may require somewhat less ground area, since less air space clearance would be required around outdoor high-voltage equipment.
The principles of electrostatics are important when designing items of high-voltage equipment.
Dried and pressurized, as a dielectric gas for high-voltage equipment.
When he was there, he was mainly working on high-voltage equipment and electronics for electron microscopes.