The examples that have come down to us involve powerful rulers in a union with a highborn woman of somewhat lesser rank.
Another highborn woman who wanted to have her fling before discussing urgent business.
Almost every highborn woman in the city sat at the long trestle tables, along with a handful of old men and young boys.
He's been through seven or eight rich, highborn young women.
And be careful hereafter when you're around highborn women.
Your vengeance on the highborn women of Lankhmar has come to an end.
Though she was but a lowborn girl, he instilled in her the skills becoming a highborn woman.
There were few really highborn women in her household.
They performed well but he thought these highborn women would get tired of the daily drudgery of nursing soon enough.
He Would have thought the highborn women of these lands would leave such things to their servants.