It serves higher-income families who can afford more expensive homes and private mortgage insurance.
But there is not usually the flexibility in a subsidy program to give a somewhat higher-income family the benefit of new construction.
Even the higher-income families have resisted paying the last $3,000.
Over time the area became one of the most desirable for Corporation tenants and was dominated by higher-income families.
The bill is designed to give modest tax breaks to mostly higher-income families with children in private schools.
This may result from some higher-income families having fewer relatives available to care for youngsters, the study said.
Yet low-income students in this country face earlier pressure than those from higher-income families to make such a prediction of their adult work.
Or should it be all higher-income families, including those who don't have children?
But these days, higher-income families are more likely to be heavily invested in stocks.
Those who have the most trouble coming up with an answer are often women in higher-income families.