People who suffer from schizophrenia typically experience auditory hallucinations and have blunted emotional responses and difficulty with activities that require planning or other higher-level processes.
Just integrating higher-level thinking processes into the curriculum, though an important part of identifying and meeting the needs of the gifted, is not sufficient.
Wilhelm Wundt used the method of introspection in the 1880s, but thought that higher-level mental processes could not be studied in the scientific laboratory.
Reductionist models attempt to explain higher-level mental processes in terms of the basic low-level neurophysiological activity of the brain.
We were interested in seeing if this increase was significant from the point of view of higher-level processes.
The experiment tested Rock's hypothesis that perceptual phenomena could be explained by higher-level mental processes instead of merely by automatic processes.
This differed from previous conclusions by Gestalt psychologists that perception was not a higher-level process.
In this way, they can help new hires quickly learn new work thus freeing manager time to engage in higher-level processes.
Scientific reductionism is the view that higher-level biological processes reduce to physical and chemical processes.
Inspired by the human model, the theory states that there are two steps of visual processing, which are influenced by higher-level cognitive processes.