The conversion highlights several characteristics of residential development in Manhattan.
The general approach by defendants and their attorneys was to highlight the political purpose and characteristics of RAF.
He assembled birds schematically and his unique identification system used arrows to highlight distinctive markings and characteristics.
Instead, user reviews now possess a medal system that permits the reviewer to highlight given characteristics of the game such as its artistic design, original soundtrack, or difficulty.
These were different from the glossy publicity pictures-these were extreme close-ups taken from various angles to highlight anatomical characteristics.
All vehicles received a new blue and gray Transilien with panels of color to highlight doors and internal characteristics.
Bollinger believes this clone ensures good quality as well as highlighting characteristics of the various terroirs.
The images could then be transferred to film or tape and digitally manipulated to highlight particular features or characteristics.
They would highlight certain characteristics of human beings, such as emotions or the capacity to make moral choices, as characteristics that they wish to value above all others.
An additional set of 22 indices highlights particular characteristics of climate change in Europe.