They commented critically on the content of the blacklist, and highlighted apparent errors in it, innocuous sites and newsgroups blocked as objectionable for no visible reason.
The mainstream British and American press was overwhelmingly positive, but reviews in peer-reviewed, academic journals were more critical, highlighting factual errors throughout the text.
Only the logo and some initial capitals fooled it, and the display proudly highlighted proper names and typographical errors that it had recognized correctly.
Connecticut Colony officials had their own survey performed in the 1690s, highlighting errors that were made in the performance of the 1642 survey.
Do you know of a case that highlights medical errors?
The term fisking is blogosphere slang describing a point-by-point criticism that highlights perceived errors, or disputes the analysis in a statement, article, or essay.
Occasionally, monitoring the execution of a target program can help to highlight random errors that appear (or sometimes disappear) while monitoring but not in real execution.
Effective feedback improves student learning by correcting misunderstanding, validating process, and highlighting errors in thinking.
PC Magazine has used the term as the title of its column highlighting humorous computer-related errors.
Another new feature this year was the more detailed application form telling prospective entrants exactly what the judges look for and highlighting errors and omissions encountered last year.