Previously, so-called "product performance reports" given to doctors by device makers like Guidant cited only the total number of product malfunctions, rather than highlighting instances where such failures had disabled a unit, preventing it from delivering critical therapy.
"We are particularly interested," the letter continued, "in highlighting instances of abuse by our government and in developing systematic litigation to challenge its unconstitutional practices."
It will highlight instances which are both whole words themselves and parts of other words, and in both upper and lower case letters.
Highlighting instances in which other witnesses contradicted Mr. Swartz's testimony, Mr. Scholl said, "Mark Swartz sure made it sound good on the stand, but now you know how he was able to deceive you."
Alvarez pointedly demonstrates the North American tendency to undervalue cultural diversity by highlighting instances of American ignorance toward distinctions between different Hispanic-Caribbean groups.
PnL Unexplained is thus a critical metric that when large may highlight instances where the risk factors classified for a risky position are incomplete or the models used for sensitivities calculations are incorrect or inconsistent.
Aides to Mr. Gore said he would try to turn the tables on Mr. Bush this week, highlighting instances in which Democrats believe the governor has overstated his commitment to the health and welfare of indigent Texans.
Solutions can also be added directly from a call to the KnowledgeBase, and custom folders can be used to highlight instances of a single problem causing incidents that may at first seem unrelated.
Whenever the opportunity arose, Judge Alito and his supporters highlighted instances in which he had ruled as she had.
Highlighting instances of welfare fraud, conservatives often referred to the system as a "welfare trap" and pledged to "dismantle the welfare state."