She was known in the agency for reading every memo thoroughly, highlighting numerous passages and asking so many questions that her aides felt like first-year law students.
Some of these encyclopedias let you highlight passages, turning the mouse into an electronic version of a yellow felt-tip pen.
On news stories, it automatically detects and shows where they have been amended or updated, then visually highlights the relevant lines or passages.
Students often highlight or underline passages in books in order to refer back to key phrases easily, or add marginalia to aid studying.
Little magnifying glasses to highlight passages of text in a row of old gardening books.
I've highlighted applicable passages - let's discuss!
To the extent the answer is available in the scientific literature, including patent filings, the software would retrieve it and highlight relevant passages.
Bentley highlights scriptural passages in his sermons.
However, before the 20th century, percussion instruments played a very small role in orchestral music and mostly served for punctuation, to highlight passages, or for novelty.
AutoSummarize highlights passages or phrases that it considers valuable.